During ESPN's Thursday night college football broadcast of the LSU-Mississippi State game, a female fan was caught holding a misspelled sign on national television.

The fan (who happened to have blonde hair) obviously wanted her sign noticed, as the sign had four words a strategically placed red letter in each word so that the red letters spelled ESPN. The sign was supposed to read "Every Single Play couNts".
At some point she must have realized that the last word "counts" was misspelled as "conts", but didn't have enough time to make a new sign and didn't want to lose the opportunity to get on TV. In the end, this female fan made a last minute edit by drawing the missing letter "u" onto the sign so that "no one would notice" the original misspelling.
We don't know if this blonde fan was a student or not, so we can't say if she represents the Mississippi State student body. However, it's safe to say she's probably not an English major.
Believe it or not, the sign could have been worse. Imagine if she left out the "o" in that last word instead of the "u". ESPN would have had a bigger problem than they did with that West Virginia T-Shirt.
Photo via @ClayTravisBGID
Mississippi State Bulldogs Fan's Sign Puts the 'U' In MSU [Sportress of Blogitude]
The fan (who happened to have blonde hair) obviously wanted her sign noticed, as the sign had four words a strategically placed red letter in each word so that the red letters spelled ESPN. The sign was supposed to read "Every Single Play couNts".
At some point she must have realized that the last word "counts" was misspelled as "conts", but didn't have enough time to make a new sign and didn't want to lose the opportunity to get on TV. In the end, this female fan made a last minute edit by drawing the missing letter "u" onto the sign so that "no one would notice" the original misspelling.
We don't know if this blonde fan was a student or not, so we can't say if she represents the Mississippi State student body. However, it's safe to say she's probably not an English major.
Believe it or not, the sign could have been worse. Imagine if she left out the "o" in that last word instead of the "u". ESPN would have had a bigger problem than they did with that West Virginia T-Shirt.
Photo via @ClayTravisBGID
Mississippi State Bulldogs Fan's Sign Puts the 'U' In MSU [Sportress of Blogitude]