Kansas City Royals catcher Salvador Perez tripped himself with his own bat and nearly fell to the ground after hitting a grounder to first in the second inning of Saturday's game at Kauffman Stadium.

Perez took a few extra steps with the bat before letting go of it. As a result, Perez accidentally did a reverse bat flip and the bat followed him up the baseline, hitting both of his heels and causing him to stumble halfway to first. Fortunately, Perez was able to stay on his feet and avoid complete embarrassment.
Video via MLB.

Perez took a few extra steps with the bat before letting go of it. As a result, Perez accidentally did a reverse bat flip and the bat followed him up the baseline, hitting both of his heels and causing him to stumble halfway to first. Fortunately, Perez was able to stay on his feet and avoid complete embarrassment.
Video via MLB.