New York Mets shortstop Ruben Tejada was burned for not being ready in the field as pitcher Jacob DeGrom threw his first pitch to open the bottom of the first inning in Wednesday night's game in Atlanta.
As DeGrom began his delivery to Braves leadoff batter B.J. Upton, Tejada was actually facing the outfield, apparently having a conversation with the left fielder. Tejada did manage to turn towards home plate just as the ball was thrown, but as luck would have it, Upton hit the ball in his direction. Tejada made a desperate dive, but the ball went through for a base hit.
As Mets broadcasters pointed out, Tejada was playing on the outfield grass and would have been unlikely to throw out Upton, given his speed. Still, Tejada would have at least given himself a chance and gotten a better break on the ball if he was paying attention to start the game, like he should have been. That's so typical Mets.
To top it all off, Upton's base hit was the start of a three-run rally by the Braves. It was all that the Braves would need as they beat the Mets 3-1.

Video via MLB.