Army football linebacker Stephen Ricciardi tried unsuccessfully to draw a penalty with an incredibly shameless flop during Saturday's game against Wake Forest.
It happened in the final minute of the game as referees were trying to separate players from both teams at the end of a play. As Ricciardi walked towards the fray, a Wake Forest linebacker held his arm out to hold him back. With a referee nearby, Ricciardi used the opportunity to go for the flop as he threw himself backwards onto the ground as if he had been crushed from his blind side.

The referee paused for a moment, then waved off Ricciardi, indicating that no penalty would be called, so no harm this time. However, something should be done to discourage players like Ricciardi from attempting these blatant flops. We suggest calling this behavior unsportsmanlike conduct and giving the flopper a 15-yard penalty. That would stop this kind of nonsense.
Video via Yahoo! Sports. H/T Dr. Saturday.