Will Middlebrooks was injured in a freak accident during the seventh inning of Sunday's San Diego Padres game against Arizona when he tripped over a bat in the on-deck circle while chasing a foul popup.
Middlebrooks chased the popup near the Diamondbacks dugout and stepped right on top of a weighted bat in the on-deck circle, rolling his right ankle.

Middlebrooks has had a tough week in the field with popups, as earlier this week he was blinded by the sun and narrowly avoided being hit in the face. Hopefully he won't be out of action too long.
Video via MLB. H/T SI.
Middlebrooks chased the popup near the Diamondbacks dugout and stepped right on top of a weighted bat in the on-deck circle, rolling his right ankle.

Middlebrooks has had a tough week in the field with popups, as earlier this week he was blinded by the sun and narrowly avoided being hit in the face. Hopefully he won't be out of action too long.
Video via MLB. H/T SI.