Oakland A's outfielder Sam Fuld had an awkward slide into second base on a double in the third inning of Friday night's game in San Francisco.
Fuld started to go head first, then realized that he didn't have to and tried to stop, but slid past the bag and nearly hurt himself. Luckily, Fuld was able to reach back with his left leg and get his foot on the bag.

We're sure that Fuld would want a do-over on that one.
Fuld came around to score, but the Giants beat the A's 9-3.
Video via MLB.
Fuld started to go head first, then realized that he didn't have to and tried to stop, but slid past the bag and nearly hurt himself. Luckily, Fuld was able to reach back with his left leg and get his foot on the bag.

We're sure that Fuld would want a do-over on that one.
Fuld came around to score, but the Giants beat the A's 9-3.
Video via MLB.