Cotton Bowl coin toss fail goes viral (Video)

Ohio State won the coin toss prior to Friday night's Cotton Bowl game against USC. Normally that wouldn't be newsworthy, but the coin "flip" itself, or lack thereof as it played out in this case, seems to be getting all the attention.

After showing both teams the commemorative coin, with the team logos on opposite sides, the referee announced that Gail Ewing, representing a Dallas-based automotive group, would be performing the toss. Well, Ewing tossed it alright...

This wasn't your typical coin flip, where it rotates in the air several times and bounces on the ground so you don't know which side of the coin will face up when it stops. Ewing held the coin flat in her hand and gently "pushed" it up in the air. The coin stayed flat in the air and appeared to land flat on the ground without flipping at all. Since the Ohio State side of the coin was facing up when it was handed to her, they won the toss.

Technically, they do call it a coin "toss", but you expect each team to have an equal chance of winning once the coin is in the air. That didn't seem to be the case here, resulting in an awkward start to the game.