David Ross rips home plate umpire with hilarious taunt after ejection (Video)

David Ross taunts home plate umpire Alex Mackay after ejection, Cubs vs. Yankees, 7/9/2023
Chicago Cubs manager David Ross was tossed in the first inning of Sunday's game against the New York Yankees, and made sure to get his money's worth with a hilarious diss of the home plate umpire.

It happened in the bottom of the first inning with no outs and a Yankees runner on first with the game still scoreless. With the count 2-0 on Yankees batter Giancarlo Stanton, home plate umpire Alex Mackay apparently heard Ross in the Cubs dugout say something that he didn't like. Apparently it was so egregious that Mackay tossed Ross from the game on the spot.

Naturally, Ross was not going to let things go without getting his two cents in, and, boy, did he ever. The best part about it was that microphones captured Ross as he went face-to-face with Mackay and delivered his vicious taunt. DISCLAIMER: Inappropriate language in this video. Not for the kids.

“You got one g**d*** game before you get a break and you’re that ****** bad already?”

YES Network broadcasters Michael Kay and Paul O'Neil couldn't get enough, with O'Neill claiming that it was one of the best lines he had ever heard.

Ross gets ejected from games on a regular basis, including two consecutive games last year, so this is nothing new for him. With the Cubs a few games under .500, he knows he needs to turn things around soon, or else he may be out of a job at the end of the season.


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