Mississippi Valley St. fans calmly storm court after first win of season (Video)

Mississippi Valley State fans storm court after beating Prairie View A and M, 2/26/2024

Mississippi Valley State men's basketball fans celebrated the team's first win of the season after Monday night's 57-51 victory over Prairie View A&M university.

Unlike recent court stormings with players getting injured after fans collided with them, this one was much more subdued. It lasted less than 15 seconds as a few dozen fans ran out onto the court pumping their fists and jumping around, then walked off the court on their own. If you blinked, you missed it.

However, the best part of the finish was the call by Mississippi Valley State television broadcast team. Credit to them for having so much positive enthusiasm and a sense of humor while covering a team that "improved to 1-27" and now has a "1-game winning streak."
