UCLA G Sebastian Mack ejected for horrible cheap shot on opponent (Video)

Sebastian Mack ejected for elbowing

UCLA Bruins freshman guard Sebastian Mack was ejected from Sunday's Pac-12 men's basketball game against Utah for a blatant cheap shot against an opposing player.

It happened midway through the first half after UCLA sank two free throws to increase their lead to 16-12. Utah guard Hunter Erickson was dribbling the ball up the court, with Mack looking to guard him. Utes center Branden Carlson looked to set a pick on Mack near center court, and Mack sized up Carlson and elbowed him right in the neck, sending him to the floor.

Play was stopped, and after an official review, Mack was given a flagrant 2, leading to an automatic ejection. A terrible move by Mack, especially considering he is the team's leading scorer. You can't lose your cool and act out in a way that hurts yourself and your team. Unfortunately, Mack will be learning this the hard way.
