Bob Roll drops f-bomb during live Tour de France TV broadcast (Video)

Tour de France, Stage 16, 7/16/2024

NBC Sports broadcaster Bob Roll dropped an F-bomb during live coverage of Tuesday's Stage 16 of the Tour de France.

It appeared to happen as the television feed was returning from a commercial break but before Roll knew he was back live on the air. Apparently at that moment, a passionate fan went a bit overboard and tried to get into a section reserved only for Tour de France commentators. Roll felt that his personal space was being violated and made it clear in no uncertain terms that the fan had crossed the line. However, it was not obvious to fans at home what was going on, which led to this awkward moment:

"What do you think you're doing? What the f***?"

We have seen plenty of f-bombs uttered by athletes live during sporting events, but you rarely hear it from broadcasters. You would figure they would know better than anyone that you gotta watch out for that hot mic.

Word apparently got back to Roll that his f-bomb was aired live, and a minute later, he offered an apology. He also provided an explanation to viewers as to the incident. Unfortunately, we will have to take his word for it, since there is no video of that. That would have been interesting to see.

Most importantly, however, we're glad Roll is OK. You can't be too careful these days.

[Awful Announcing]