Brian Kelly slams fist during postgame press conference after loss to USC (Video)

Brian Kelly pounds fist, USC vs. LSU, 9/1/2024

LSU head football coach Brian Kelly slammed his fist on the table during a postgame press conference after Sunday night's 27-20 loss to USC.

USC scored the game-winning touchdown with 8 seconds left on a 13-yard run. LSU was leading 17-13 at the end of the third quarter. Kelly was asked if it was disappointing when his guys perform and they don't get a victory. It was during the answer to that question that Kelly became so angry that he pounded his fist on the table in front of him.

"Hell yes. Hell yes...and that's what I said to the team. We had some guys play their butts off tonight, and...we're sitting here (slams fist) AGAIN talking about the same things - about not finishing when you have an opponent in a position to put them away. But what we're doing on the sideline is feeling that the game's over - and I'm so angry about it that I gotta do something about it. I'm not doing a good enough job as a coach, and I gotta coach them better, because it's unacceptable for us not to have found a way to win this football game. It's ridiculous, and - crazy."

Not only may LSU be getting a bit complacent while they're ahead, but they also seem to be getting a little carried away with their touchdown celebrations. That needs to be tamped down, and that comes down to coaching as well.

Kelly had no trouble opening a water bottle while answering that question, unlike Billy Napier of Florida. Like Napier, Kelly may find himself on the hot seat if he doesn't have a successful season.
