Pitch invader knocked out cold at Rugby Championship (Video)

Pitch invader knocked out cold, Argentina vs. South Africa, 9/28/2024

A pitch invader was knocked out cold as he was tackled from behind during Saturday's Rugby Championship match between South Africa and Argentina.

It happened after South Africa won the match 48-7 to clinched their first Rugby Championship title since 2019. Since South Africa was the home team in the match, a few fans ran onto the field to celebrate. Most of them were tracked down by security pretty quickly, but one particular pitch invader was better at evading security personnel than the others as he was a bit faster with better moves.

The fan continued to run around the field and began to feel more confident with himself when a larger and much faster member of security caught up with him and tackled him from behind. The pitch invader landed on the ground face first. It became apparent as the fan did not move after being tackled that he was out cold, at which point the security guard that tackled him made a time-out signal to ask for assistance from medical personnel.

This should be a lesson to the readers at home not to run onto the field at sporting events. You could hurt yourself, like this guy, or you could get tased. It just isn't worth it.


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