Blue Jays fan moons camera during spring training game (Video)

Blue Jays fan moons camera, Phillies vs. Blue Jays, 3/21/2025

A Toronto Blue Jays fan mooned the camera during Friday's MLB spring training game against Philadelphia.

Based on our analysis, it happened during the top of the eighth inning with a runner on first and two outs as the Blue Jays held a 10-3 lead over the Phillies. Blue Jays reliever Brendon Little was pitching to Phillies batter Kody Clemens, son of legendary baseball pitcher Roger Clemens.

The fan in question was sitting in the front row behind the plate in full camera view. He was talking on his cell phone wearing a Blue Jays T-shirt, shorts, sunglasses and a purple baseball cap on backwards. Once he was done with the phone call, he stood up, turned his back to the camera and pulled his shorts down to reveal his rear end. The woman he was with made a weak attempt to try to stop him.

WARNING: This video is not for the kids.

Makes you wonder what was discussed during that cell phone conversation, doesn't it?

We have seen many incidents of inappropriate fan behavior over the years, but usually it involves fans running onto the field. Like those incidents, it usually involves the fan being removed from the stadium by security. We would guess in this case that this fan was tossed as well, although we cannot verify.

As far as the game action, Clemens went on to hit a single to right field and Little was removed from the game. His replacement, Richard Lovelady, hit the next batter with a pitch and gave up a double which scored 2 runs, both ocharged to Little, before getting the third out to end the inning. Was there a connection between the mooning incident and the Phillies rally? You be the judge.

In the end, the Blue Jays were able to hold on for the 11-7 win.

DISCLAIMER: Holdout Sports does not condone this behavior.


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